Español para chicos y grandes. Level 1, 2nd edition: Textbook (Free audio download)


SKU: ISBN 978-0-9822887-7-1 Category:

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Weight 1 lbs
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Audio Download, no CD included, With CD

Product Description

Spanish for children and parents, Level 1, textbook, consists of 24 chapters followed by an appendix containing idiomatic expressions and a Spanish-English glossary. It provides the material necessary for acquiring a sound basic knowledge of Spanish for kids.

The abundant vocabulary of 700 words and idiomatic expressions, together with simple Spanish grammar exercises, illustrations and sentence construction, greatly facilitates the task of both teachers in classrooms and parents at home.

In the organization of this text, we have followed the principle that a rich variety of activities is the key to keeping the attention of young learners. The multiple approaches we present here are consistent with research on how to enrich the memory centers in the brain.

Each chapter presents new Spanish vocabulary followed by fun exercises to reinforce its learning. Each vocabulary unit is linked to a question which stimulates dialogue between students working in pairs. English translations are provided at the bottom of the page or immediately following the word.

Short Spanish poems, humorous drawings, simple games and traditional songs serve as mnemonic devices. Cultural vignettes about children from Hispanic cultures, with the relevant vocabulary, awaken children’s curiosity about different places and ways of life. Working step by step, students learn to understand dialogue, entire paragraphs and short stories. They become able to respond to questions in Spanish.

The free audio download accompanies, in auditory form, all lesson content.

Table Contents Click here to see Table of Contents Lesson 2

Sample Lessons

pdfLesson 2 (3.34 MB)
pdf Lesson 19 (3.61 MB)


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